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Scarborough Town Centre is committed to sustainability and proud of the following green initiatives:
Scarborough Town Centre is equipped with nine compactors where all cardboard, paper, bottles, cans and plastics are recycled.
By recycling paper and cardboard this year, STC has saved 12,100 mature trees from being cut down. The metal cans recycled in the last year also saved enough energy to power a 17-watt energy efficient light bulb for 15,200 years.
Additionally, Scarborough Town Centre has diverted 2,230,000 pounds of recycling from landfills in the past year.

Bicycle Parking Stations
Bicycle stands are located at the following entrances:
Entrance #1 and Entrance #6.

Rooftop Beehives
Scarborough Town Centre has installed one beehive on the rooftop which houses 50,000 bees. The bees travel 5kms to pollinate, contribute to biodiversity and provide a food source.

Solar Panels
Our rooftop solar panel installation is one of the largest in the Greater Toronto Area. The 929 panels and 11 inverters help supply the annual energy requirements of an average-sized Scarborough Town Centre store. This installation was one of Oxford’s first large scale solar projects and builds on a decade of leadership firsts for Oxford’s Sustainable Intelligence program.

Compost Program
We are proud to participate in a pilot program with Yorkdale Shopping Centre, enabling us to transform kitchen prep and organic waste from our TASTE MRKT into usable soil for our centre’s plants. This initiative adds nutrients to the soil and supports local biodiversity by closing the loop on circular recycling. The flourishing plants as a result of this program will also benefit local pollinators, including STC’s rooftop honeybees.